Friday, July 17, 2009

The Conservative Advantage

There is a strategic advantage directed towards the States in Amending the Constitution. Article V allows the Constitution to be Amended by either: 3/4 of the State Legislatures or by a Consitututional Convention in 3/4 of the States.

A push forward to convene State Constitutional Conventions in 38 States would create, at the very least a great deal of pressure on the Elitist Elected officials. Such a grass-roots movement to Amend the Constitution might also stir opposite forces. However, consent of Congress, The President or the Supreme Court are not required. As such these Amending Conventions might be very contentious and the established political parties would throw a great deal of money to:
Stop the Conventions generally and, if unsuccessful, would try to fill the convention with members of their own ilk.

Nevertheless, as attempts move forward the debate will necessarily shift and give the People a greater voice.

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