Friday, July 10, 2009

What Happens if the President Fails?

With the death of Michael Jackson, the Ascendency of President Obama and the incarceration of O. J. Simpson a vast new landscape for viewing African-Americans is beginning to come into focus. Blind Justice was miraculously cured during the 60's. During that period Justice was required to become racially specific - and perhaps the times merited it. However with the Civil Right's Movement minorities inherited certain "super-rights" and that among those rights were, to paraphrase "The Animal Farm" (George Orwell) - all men were somewhat equal and therefor some need to be treated more than equal in order to offset any inequality.

Decades of doing justice differently, though it produced no noticeable improvement in either race relations or minority economics, nurtured the idea of black super-equality and simply outlawed, as racists, any criticism whatsoever of an African-American. It was inevitable that, sooner than later Justice must become blind again.

President Obama faces a stark reality. His Presidency will define how African-Americans will be seen in the future. His popularity is not as remarkable as some indicate because Americans all want the first Black President to prove competitent. But, what if he is not? What if, at the end of two or four years the President fails miserably?

If the President fails what will happen? How might a one term Black President affect the African-American Population? The answers to these difficult questions describe the need for the absolute prejudice by the Media. The media may not allow these questions to be asked because the media did not do its job in vetting the Candidate.

1 comment:

  1. "Blind Justice was miraculously cured during the 60's."

    That is one of cleverest lines I've read in a blog, and I'm not saying that just because you're my Father In Law.
